I will be speaking in London on international prenups at the event described below.
Speakers: Charlotte Butruille-Cardew, Nicholas Francis QC, Jeremy Morley, Geoff Wilson
Chairperson: David Salter
Location: Charles Russell, 5 Fleet Place, LONDON EC4M 7RD
Date: 8 March 2011
Accreditation/Professional Development
Solicitors Regulation Authority: 3 hours 15 minutes
ILEX: 3 hours 15 minutes
Bar Standards Board: 3 hours
Get up-to-the minute information on domestic and international pre and post nuptial agreements including:
- How to draft effective agreements
- Recognition and enforceability in the international arena
- A comparative review of international matrimonial property regimes
- A greater understanding of the principles underlying agreements
- How to opt out of the relevant marital property regime
- The limitations of such agreements
Increasing numbers of international travellers, living and working abroad coupled with rising divorce rates, have led to an increase in the number of individuals entering into pre and post nuptial agreements to protect their assets on relationship breakdown. This is an essential seminar for all ancillary relief lawyers advising high net worth individuals with international connections. It will help you to cut through the complexities of domestic and foreign law so that you can deal more effectively with multi-jurisdictional issues when advising clients.
The seminar will focus on the disparity in divorce laws in England and Wales, Australia, France and the USA in particular New York. You will leave armed with the necessary strategy and know-how to provide up-to-date advice on capital division and spousal maintenance in international cases involving marital agreements.
This experienced speaker team will walk you through considerations at the initial client interview, how to draft effective agreements through to recognition and enforceability. They will highlight the complexities and pitfalls that arise at each stage of dealing with international pre and post nuptial agreements and satellite proceedings.
An international seminar brought to you by Family Law in association with the International Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers.
What is included?
- International guidance on best practice and current trends in pre and post nuptial agreements
- Unique course material developed especially for this event
- A review of international marital property regimes
- Comprehensive notes to refer to after the event
- Expert insight and analysis from a leading international speaker panel
- Plus! Attendees can purchase Family Law publications at a 20% discount
Who should attend?
Family lawyers and advocates advising clients with international connections
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