Jordan: 2023 State Department Report

The U.S. State Department has now issued its 2023 Action Report on International Child Abduction.

Jordan has been declared by the State Department to be non-compliant with the Hague Abduction Convention for the last eight years.

The State Department has reported to Congress that within the past year it has taken the following actions in this regard against Jordan:

  • Senior officials in the Bureau of Consular Affairs engaged with the Government of Jordan on the issue of IPCA. Department officials pressed the Jordanian government to assist with resolving abduction cases and to accede to the Convention.
  • In March 2023, the U.S. Embassy in Amman delivered a diplomatic note to the Jordanian government requesting their assistance in resolving existing child abduction cases.
  • In May 2023, the Office of the Spokesperson released a media note to announce the release of the 2023 Annual Report on International Child Abduction and listed Jordan as a country cited for demonstrating a pattern of noncompliance.
  • Also in May 2023, Department officials met with the Canadian Central Authority to identify potential avenues of multilateral collaboration to urge the Jordanian government to resolve reported cases.
  • In May 2023, U.S. Embassy Amman delivered a demarche notifying the Jordanian government that the Department cited Jordan in the 2023 Annual Report for demonstrating a pattern of noncompliance and requested Jordan's assistance to resolve reported cases.
  • In June 2023, the Special Advisor for Children's Issues traveled to Jordan for meetings with Jordanian officials to discuss areas of cooperation and concerns with resolving international parental child abduction cases. The visit included meetings with a local non-governmental organization to discuss the new Child Rights Act, the Mediation Directorate, and Sharia court judges. In addition, the Special Advisor oversaw a roundtable discussion with foreign mission consuls from Canada, the United Kingdom, and Australia to explore solutions to issues of common concern.

Jeremy D. Morley has provided expert evidence to courts in several U.S. states on such matters concerning Jordan.

Providing wise and experienced legal counsel to international families for many years

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