France: Family Law

We work on many family law cases that concern France for clients all over the world.

These cases concern French divorce law, French marriage contracts, international child abductions to and from France, international child visits to and from France, the enforcement of family court orders in France and of French orders in the United States, and international child custody issues of all kinds.

We have very close relationships with excellent family lawyers in France.

We always work collaboratively with French counsel as needed and as appropriate.

Jeremy D. Morley has provided expert testimony on French family law.

He has lectured to family lawyers in Paris on international child abduction.

You are welcome to contact us to arrange for a consultation with Mr. Morley concerning any such issues (recognizing that any discussion of the laws of French is always strictly subject to advice to be obtained from French counsel).  

Providing wise and experienced legal counsel to international families for many years

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